Dear Dreamers,
I have always had a desire to do something important in my life. Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to do something important and make my life count some how. There is no better feeling than waking up every day knowing that you have a purpose in life and every day is counting towards fulfilling that purpose. It's not the idea of making your name to be remembered after you die but rather pursuing what matters to you and what is important...pursuing the desires that God placed in your heart ever since you were conceived. Sometimes your desires are not always clear right away or they were made clear as a child but have been buried over time and forgotten and are awaiting to be rediscovered again. Then one day you wake up as an adult and realize that you are not who you have always wanted to be and you have to go on a journey and find out what kind of person really lies inside of you. At times it is a scary journey to find out who you are, but the thought even scarier than that is living your whole life never knowing who you could have been and regretting not having taken that journey when you had the opportunity.
Take heart if you are on this path. Only the brave will survive and those who are seeking truth. Truth is ugly at times and hurts to the inner soul, but it is the stepping stone that elevates you to a new life. A new life that will set you free if you let it. Remember the light will always brighten once each truth is revealed and your path will be illuminated as you press onward. You will not only survive you will flourish and succeed more than you could ever dream is possible! Take the first step and be honest with yourself. Ask yourself, "What dreams has God placed in my heart?" Then be brave enough to ask yourself, "Am I pursuing those dreams or have I given in to fear?" If you have the courage to answer those questions truthfully, you are on the way to setting yourself free. Your world may just turn upside down, but a new life is on the other side and it holds your hopes and dreams! Until next time...
Keep Dreaming,
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